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1825 Grand Marais Rd West     Windsor, ON     N9E 1E9

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This banner frequently hung below the cross in the front of the sanctuary as a focal point for Glenwood United Church

The symbol of the tree has a long history in the Christian faith. It is seen in the beginning with Adam and Eve with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the story of Moses talking to the burning bush, in psalms of praise where the trees rejoice along with the people, and in Revelation as the tree of Life.

It was also used as a symbol of Jesus in the early church upon which he was crucified.

The symbol of the tree is still used today in the form of the Christmas Tree as a symbol of life everlasting, hope, peace, joy, and love.

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Logo Creation

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Since the church will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2015, a new logo was created using this banner's tree symbolizing our Roots in the Spirit of God, Growth in our Faith in Jesus Christ, and Reaching to serve wherever we are called.

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Green was chosen to fill the tree's crown as a symbol of life and hope for the future.
The brown trunk reminds us of the cross of Christ's Crucifixion.

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The blue river is to remind us of the many ways water is essential for our life.
As our Service of the Sacrament of Baptism states:

Water "speaks of creation when the Spirit of God, brooded over the waters .
It speaks of our own creaiton, when we lived in water in our mother's body.
It speaks of deliverance, when the Israelites crossed over the sea on dry land.
It speaks of promise when Joshua led the people through the Jordan into the Promised Land.
It speaks of salvation when blood and water ran from the wound in Jesus' side.
It speaks of service when with towel around his waist our Lord washed the feet of the disicples.
It is the sign of cleansing, of dying and of rising again of God's blessings and of bondage to Christ.

The water also reminds us of the promise of life eternal as described in Revelation.

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The green land surrounding the tree and the river is to symbolize a glen, a clearing in a forest caused by the beaver dam rotting out enabling the transition of the pond to a meadow which also symbolizes our changes as we grow in relationship with Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.

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Upon close examination of the banner's tree, a large G was found to emphasize that we are Glenwood.

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When all of these pieces were assembled, the new logo was formed.